March 16, 2018

On 5 th September 1972 a press conference was held at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel,
in which RCA president Rocco Laginestra, an upcoming - worldwide TV transmitted
- Concert of Elvis announces that should take place in Hawaii..
The date of the conference is often incorrectly given as September 4.

Since the conference took place after the midnight show, the correct date is
5. of September.

Media: Elvis, are you awake?

Elvis: I'm still on.. I'm on stage, man.

Media: The Armed Forces Network will pick it up.

The Armed Forces will show it.

Elvis: This is the first time that I've seen this myself..

Media: Well, it's just astounding.
Elvis: I beg your pardon? Okay. Ah, well now they shoot me all the way,
see instead of just the waist down. Now I would like to think that I am...
I have improved as an entertainer. And I like to get the rapport with an audience.
'Cause it's a give-and-take-thing. If you can do that, it works. If the artist,
or whoever is performing, can get that kind of rapport going with the
audience, then it really pays off. It's good.

Media: But do you feel you have more of that rapport now than you did

fifteen years ago?

Elvis: I couldn't answer that. I really couldn't.

Rocco Laginestra: I really should start this conference off by congratulating

Elvis because we will have two new firsts. The first "first" - new first - involves
Elvis as the first performer to do a worldwide live concert via satellite, a real
spectacular. And the second is that we will have a worldwide album via satellite.
All of this has been made possible by the joint efforts of a lot of people,
and especially including Colonel Tom Parker. Elvis, again my congratulations
for this spectacular. Elvis: Thank you, sir. Thank you. Whew! It's very hard to comprehend it because
I.... in fifteen years, it's hard to comprehend that happening. ....
out to all the countries all over the world via satellite, it's very difficult to
A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricy that's generated in
the crowd and on stage, but it's my favorite part of show....
of the business, is the live concert.

Media: How do you pace yourself?

Elvis: Sir?

Media: How do you pace yourself?

Elvis: You mean physically or vocally or whatever?

Media: So you are up when you need to be up.
Elvis: I just... I exercise every day.
I vocalize every day and practice, if I'm working or not.
So I just to try to stay in shape all the time, vocally and mentally.

Media: Which is harder?
Elvis: (laughs) Well, both is tough.
You gotta work at 'em, but I don’t mind it. It's worth it.

Rocco Laginestra: I might say this about when we first approached

the various countries around the world,
Elvis is really the only performer that could do this today.
He's well known in every country that we sought, in fact in every
country in the world. And the acceptance is just fantastic.
It wasn't a case of any
"selling". Because you know he's been in demand for live performances

around the world, but you just can't do this, so this is the way of approaching it.
The acceptance has exceeded all of our expectations, Elvis.
Elvis: Thank you very much. That’s very nice, Sir.

The biggest part of Elvis Presley was his big heart. It was full of love for everyone

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